“I discovered our commitment to inclusion in October 2015, during a fashion show organised at the Villeneuve d’Ascq hospital as part of Pink October. One thing led to another and I took part in other fashion shows and fashion coaching workshops before joining the French steering committee in July 2019. A responsibility that Grétel leads in tandem with Lucie, Kiabi Dury leader and Isabelle, management controller at central services. “We are at the disposal of Kiabers who have projects. Our mission is to make sure that they are anchored in the Kiabi Life axes before submitting them to the steering committee and to take stock with the team once the action is completed. Most of the projects are well prepared, which makes it easier for us to intervene. What I like about this job is the relationship we have with the beneficiaries we support in the actions we carry out. Kiabi Life is my breath of fresh air. On the one hand, it’s demanding, but it’s so rewarding.

Coordinator of the French steering committee, Co-leader Kiabi Bailleul
Thèmes : Hauts de France